Paris Smith 200th Anniversary

27 February 2018




2018 is a big year for Paris Smith as it marks our 200th anniversary. To celebrate such a long history and in a bid to give something back, throughout this year, the Firm will be offering 200 days of volunteering. Each and every member of our over 200 staff will be given time to partake in volunteering opportunities, ideally in groups of between 3 – 10. This will also enable our staff the chance to team build and step outside their comfort zone.

We have a dedicated 200 year celebration charity committee who will arrange times and dates throughout the year based on the opportunities your charity can provide. As a Paris Smith LLP Client or Charity Forum member, we are approaching you to make use of this initiative. We therefore need to know whether you would like the time of our staff to support the work you do? To accommodate the various abilities and availability of the staff, it would be helpful to have a range of opportunities and dates.

If you are interested, please could you complete the short form and email it back to If you would like to discuss the opportunities further, please send an email to this address with your contact details and we will get back to you.

Unfortunately, we are not able to pay to attend any volunteering opportunities. It is important to ensure our staff’s safety whilst onsite, so we request that your Health and Safety assessments and insurance covers the opportunities which are being put forward. Is there any particular skill or knowledge required? Will there be an element of physical activity involved?

If you just want to register your interest in this for the future, or already have some volunteering projects in mind, please could you let us know by Friday 9 March 2018.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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